For the exhibition ‘Echoes of the Biotoop’, the organizers of the new Art Space KEL-30, Stefanie Tatzik and Roland Wisselink, invited six artists to research the history and unique characteristics of the Biotoop. This concept encourages the artists to create work that not only highlights the stories and echoes of the past, but also how these echoes influence the present and future possibilities of the Biotoop. The artists are challenged to interact with the spatial, cultural and/or natural elements and integrate them into their artwork. They all made site specific work.
Henrik Kröner, born 1979 in Germany, and lives and works in Groningen.
He has a studio at the Biotoop, and is a painter who explores the medium through different series of works. For Echo´s of the Biotoop´ he developed a site specific work which corresponds with the buildings
past, and its function of the Faculty of Biology.
The flower factory project
In early spring the crocuses and later on the daffodils are blooming wonderful and many at the Biotoop. It´s is an annual recurring spectacle. I´ve picked them and from the blossems, I´ve made my own watercolours.
With these diy-watercolours I´ve made a new artpiece, especially voor the exhibtion space K-EL 30. It´s a hanging structure made out of small strips of cardboard.
I´ve painted it with the watercolours originating from the terrain of the building.
The cardboard is old packaging material from the nearby flower auctionspace in Eelde.
Many roses from Kenya are processed there. For protection, the roses are wrapped with strips of corrugated cardboard. With the help of my beloved stapler I´ve joined these strips together to form larger sheets.
Location: Art Space KEL-30, Building C, The Biotoop, Kerklaan 30, Haren, The Netherlands
Opening hours:
Friday 2pm -7pm
Zaterday 12pm – 5pm
Sunday 12pm – 5pm
For more information: